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Peletele Rocket method feeder 2mm, sunt pelete ce au la baza, faina de peste, ulei peste, faina soia, ulei de soia, faina alune tigrate, zer si aroma, sunt special concepute pentru a lucra si a se descompune in mod corect in orice anotimp, au un continut de ulei moderat si sunt excelente pentru a fi utilizate pe tot parcursul anului. Pot fi utilizate atat in pescuitul cu method feeder cat si ca particule suplimentare, adaugate la nadele pentru pescuit la feeder. Astfel, aromele naturale emanate atat de ingredientele proteice, cat si de cele cerealiere, se vor dispersa in masa nadei si vor putea transmite semnale de hranire catre pesti.

Pentru un plus de atractivitate, va recomandam sa urmati modul de preparare de mai jos si sa folositi aditivii lichizi special conceputi, sau adidivul Secret Lichid.

Modul de preparare cu aditiv:

Se umectaza cu 100 ml aditiv lichid Secret / 500gr pelete, urmata la un interval de 20 de min de o a doua umectare ce consta in adaugarea a 100 ml apa.

Mod de preparare cu apa:

Recomandam introducerea cantitatii de pelete dorita intr-un recipient, puneti apa peste pana la nivel, lasati 15-20 de secunde dupa care scurgeti apa.

Dupa 15 minute sunt gata de a fi folosite.

Cantitate: 500gr


The Rocket method feeder pellets 2mm are pellets based on fish meal, fish oil, soy flour, soybean oil, tiger nut flour, whey, and aroma. They are specially designed to work and break down correctly in all seasons, with a moderate oil content, making them excellent for year-round use. These pellets can be used both in method feeder fishing and as additional particles added to groundbait for feeder fishing. The natural aromas released from both the protein and cereal ingredients will disperse through the groundbait and transmit feeding signals to the fish.

For added attractiveness, we recommend following the preparation method below and using the specially designed liquid additives, or the Secret Liquid additive.

Preparation method with additive:

Moisten with 100 ml of Secret liquid additive per 500g of pellets, followed by a second moistening after 20 minutes with 100 ml of water.

Preparation method with water:

We recommend placing the desired amount of pellets in a container, adding water until level, letting it sit for 15-20 seconds, and then draining the water.

After 15 minutes, they are ready to be used.

Quantity: 500g

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